Sunday, November 27, 2011

Siberia by Lights: Dream Nostalgic Keys

Earlier last month I purchased my physical copy of “Siberia” by LIGHTS, and I had only heard one song prior to buying, “Everybody Breaks a Glass”, and I automatically told myself, ‘Dude, this is worth it.’ So HMV I went and bought it. I listened to all the tracks and I have to say, I was on the verge of crying. A lot of musicians release music, but the sounds in this album really hit some nostalgic note. It brought me back to being a kid, and I realize this is 2011 now, how I’m growing. Not only that, but music as fresh like LIGHTS is once in a lifetime thing. If I was immortal, I’d spread this album for centuries ahead, her name doesn’t deserve to die. She’s not just a model for stages, she’s not a compact disc, she’s a extraordinary human being. I remember her first EP and her performance on MTV Canada. She stood their singing in her precious voice and I was losing my breath on how delicate it all sounded. You really gain the ability to lose yourself. It’s a blessing to be alive, have ears to hear music, to see beauty, and an imagination of meeting that one person.

The Listening was a hit album, and now Siberia as well. She’s on an amazing run right now, and I’m proud of everything she has accomplished. :)

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